Constant challenge with advanced methods to convery the attraction of
creator's work. Our mission is to provide creators in various fields with the best place to exhibit their works. Art, such as fine arts and music, is nothing more than self-satisfaction and self-exposure if its not appreciated by other people.
There are various ways of showing art | individual exhibitions, performances, promotions, and so on. Our aim is to convey the value and appeal of works made in Japan to the whole world.
Through encounters with masterpieces, we sometimes choose to become creators.
To provide such opportunities is also our mission and goal.
Unconsciously, we are in permanent contact with works of art.
There are our personal belongings | portable phones,clothes, accessories | and, outside, advertisements, buildings and so on. These things belong mostly to the sphere of design, but if you looked at them as artworks, ordinary life might somewhat change.
By questioning the artistic value of every object, you may be surprised by the labor and aesthetic sense of the person who designed or made it. Why is this round? Why these stripes? By asking these questions, you get to understand if the design is the result of a search for convenience or compliance to specific rules or just a question of taste. Sometimes, it is difficult to tell.
By looking at things in such a way, you realize that in Europe, most cities show unity and are the product of a conscious artistic sensibility. You may also have noticed that most cities in Japan and the rest of Asia lack unity.
If you think this way, you donft need to go to a museum to enjoy art, as you would do it every day. This would help you hone the way you look at things and your aesthetic sense.
It is difficult to determine whether you have a talent for art if you just rely on what another perosn says. The main thing is whether you like or donft like what you are doing.
If you donft like art, there is nothing to do about it. But if you understand things like the hard work behind the creative process, the intention of the artist, or the personality of the artist, then you enter a very special world. People who donft appreciate art say you must not judge just by looking. This difficulty to understand is certainly one of the reason behind the fact people are turning their back on art.
We believe art offers both enjoyment and pain. We believe art is something we cannot do without. The message we are sending trough our publications and events is that art is certainly not limited to dilletantes.
President, Chief exective-officer